Our hassle-free full-service package for every requirement
Other people undoubtedly know more about design than we do. But when it comes to applying designs to complex 3D products, nobody can beat us. Our patented process is the only one of its kind in the world. As is our hassle-free full-service offering.
As technology and fulfilment partner we create bespoke end-to-end solutions for companies of every size and from every sector. You have the product and a design idea. We have everything else. A patented process that is the only one of its kind in the world. Innovative technology from the printer to the oven. High-quality special films. And last but not least, comprehensive technical support with a worldwide hotline and certified technicians on site.
Our complete package – everything you need:
Perigon special films
High quality, versatile and recyclable. We
supply high-quality films for every need.
Perigon special ovens
Individual items, small run or volume
production: we have the right oven for every requirement and every quantity.
Service & Support
From the initial idea to the finished
product: we advise and support you throughout the whole process.
We can advise you on the options!